class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Summarizing data ] .subtitle[ ## EDS 222 ] .author[ ### Tamma Carleton ] .date[ ### Fall 2023 ] --- name: Overview # Today #### Types of variables - Categorical, numerical, ordinal, ... -- #### Probability density functions - Definitions, the normal pdf, skew -- #### Summary statistics - Central tendency and spread, quantiles, outliers -- #### Law of large numbers - How big does my sample need to be? --- layout: false class: clear, middle, inverse # Assignment #1 check-in: How's it going? ### Reminder: OH Thursdays, Pine Room, 3:30-4:30pm --- layout: false class: clear, middle, inverse # Types of variables --- # Types of variables ## Numerical variables > Object class `numeric` in `R` - Can take on a wide range of possible values - Makes sense to add, subtract, multiply, etc. -- - Examples: + Height of the tree canopy across the Amazon + Length of Atlantic swordfish + Daily average temperature #### **Discrete** numerical variables take on only a limited set of values, often counts (e.g., population) #### **Continuous** numerical variables: can take on infinite values within a range (e.g., arsenic concentration in groundwater) --- # Types of variables ## Numerical variables <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="numerical.jpg" alt="Source: Allison Horst" width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Source: Allison Horst</p> </div> --- # Types of variables ## Categorical variables > Object class `factor` in `R` - Values correspond to one of a fixed number of categories - Possible values are called **levels** -- - Examples: + Land use type + Species of tree + Age group (e.g., <15, 15-64, 65+) (watch out! continuous numerical data can often be stored as a categorical variable!) --- # Types of variables ## Categorical variables #### **Nominal** variables are unordered descriptions #### **Ordinal** variables are categories with a natural ordering #### **Binary** variables only take on 0 or 1 --- # Types of variables ## Categorical variables <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="categorical.jpg" alt="Source: Allison Horst" width="85%" /> <p class="caption">Source: Allison Horst</p> </div> --- layout: false class: clear, middle, inverse # Probability density functions --- # Probability density functions Remember: when we do statistics, we use _statistics_ from a sample to learn about _parameters_ of a population. -- A **variable** is a representation of something we care about in a population (e.g., nitrate concentration of groundwater). -- Many parameters we care about tell us something about what values we might see for our variable in the population (e.g., average nitrate concentrations). -- **Probability density functions** are mathematical functions that tell us: how likely are we to see values of a given range? --- # Probability density functions **Probability density functions** are mathematical functions that tell us: how likely are we to see values of a given range? <img src="drinkingwater.jpeg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Probability density functions For _continuous_ variables, the **probability density function (p.d.f.)** tells us the probability that a variable falls within a given range of values. Formally: The **p.d.f.** of a continuous variable `\(X\)` with support (i.e., range of possible values) `\(S\)` is an integrable function `\(f(x)\)` satisfying: -- 1. `\(f(x)\)` is positive for all `\(x\)` in `\(S\)` -- 2. The area under the curve `\(f(x)\)` over the entire support `\(S\)` is equal to 1: $$ \int_S f(x)dx = 1$$ -- 3. The probability that `\(x\)` falls between `\(A\)` and `\(B\)` is: $$ Pr(A\leq x \leq B) = \int_A^B f(x)dx $$ --- # Why isn't this simpler? > Q: Why can't I just interpret `\(f(x)\)` as the probability that `\(X=x\)`? > A: Because continuous variables have `\(\infty\)` possible values...the probability that your variable `\(X\)` exactly equals `\(x\)` is zero! -- ### Luckily, for **discrete variables** it _is_ this simple! For _discrete_ variable `\(x\)` , the **probability mass function (p.m.f.)** `\(f(x)\)` tells us the probability that `\(X = x\)`. Formally: The **p.m.f.** of a discrete variable `\(X\)` with support (i.e., range of possible values) `\(S\)` is a function `\(f(x)\)` satisfying: 1. `\(P(X=x) = f(x) >0\)` for all `\(x\)` in support `\(S\)` 2. `\(\sum_{x\in S} f(x) = 1\)` 3. `\(P(A\leq x \leq B) = \sum_{x=A}^{x=B} f(x)\)` --- # Probability density functions (visual) P.d.f.'s help us characterize the distribution of our population. The most common/famous ones get names (e.g., normal, Gamma, `\(t\)`,...) ### Let's look at a **normal** distribution* The probability this normally distributed variable takes on a value between -2 and 0 is shown in pink: <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplepdf-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <font size="3"> *This distribution happens to be what's called "standard" normal. We'll get into the weeds later!</font> --- # Probability density functions (visual) ### Let's look at a **normal** distribution* The probability this normally distributed variable takes on a value between -2 and 2 is shown in pink: <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplepdf2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <font size="3"> *Yep, still a "standard" normal. Details later. </font> --- # The normal distribution There are infinite different normal distributions. They all have the following p.d.f.: $$f(x) =\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)} $$ where `\(\mu\)` is the mean (i.e., average) and `\(\sigma\)` is the standard deviation (will define soon). `\(\mu\)` and `\(\sigma\)` are **parameters** describing the population p.d.f. <img src="normals.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> #### Many results in statistics rely on the assumption that our data are normally distributed. We will return to this distribution **frequently!** --- # Shapes of probability distributions Key terms to describe p.d.f.'s: 1. A distribution can have **skew** (e.g., log-normal) 2. A distribution can have a long **right tail** or **left tail** (e.g., fat-tailed climate sensitivity distributions!) 3. A distribution can be **symmetric** 4. A distribution can be **unimodal**, **bimodal**, or **multimodal** --- # Shapes of probability distributions Key terms to describe p.d.f.'s: 1. A distribution can have **skew** (e.g., log-normal) + Skew means the distribution is asymmetric around its mean 2. A distribution can have a long **right tail** or **left tail** (e.g., fat-tailed climate sensitivity distributions!) + Long tails is a general term implying there is a lot of mass far away from the mean (not a precise defn.) 3. A distribution can be **symmetric** + The distribution is symmetric around its mean (Q: what does this imply about skew?) 4. A distribution can be **unimodal**, **bimodal**, or **multimodal** + A distribution with one (unimodal), two (bimodal), or more (multimodal) "peaks" --- # Shapes of probability distributions ## Skew with a long right tail #### (log-normal sample distribution) <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/exampleskew-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Shapes of probability distributions ## Uni-, bi-, and multi-modal #### (How many "peaks" do you see?) <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplebimodal-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- layout: false class: clear, middle, inverse # Summary statistics --- # Describing random variables A probability density function describes a **population** As we learned last week, we rarely have a **census** so we rarely can directly describe the p.d.f. itself. -- Instead, we use **statistics** from a _sample_ to estimate **parameters** of the _population_. Randomness in sampling means we call the variables in our sample "random variables" <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplepdf3-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Measures of central tendency ### We often begin to describe a distribution using measures of **central tendency** (i.e., measures of the "middle"). Three are most common: 1. **Mean** 2. **Median** 3. **Mode** --- # Mean = expected value = average In a **population**, the mean is defined as: `$$\mathrm{E}[X]=\mu=\int_S xf(x)dx$$` -- In our **sample**, we compute the mean as: `$$\bar{x}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i\in n} x_i$$` #### We use `\(\bar{x}\)` as an *estimate* of the parameter of interest, `\(\mu\)`. <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplemean-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Median = middle value In a **population**, the median is defined as the value `\(m\)` for which half the distribution falls below `\(m\)` and half above `\(m\)`: `$$P(X\leq m) = \int_{-\infty}^m f(x)dx = \frac{1}{2} = \int_m^{\infty} f(x)dx = P(X\geq m)$$` -- In our **sample**, we order all our data from lowest to highest and then compute the median as: - `\(n\)` even? median = mean of the middle two values - `\(n\)` odd? median = middle value <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplemedian-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Median and mean are not always close #### Non-normal distribution `\(\implies\)` median and mean can diverge substantially <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplemedian2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Mode = most frequent value ### The **mode** is simply the most frequently observed value This is much more useful for discrete data (ask yourself why!) <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/examplemode-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Measures of spread ### Central tendency only gets us so far...we also need measures of **spread**. 1. **Range** (easy: min to max of your data) 2. **Variance** 3. **Standard deviation** 4. **Quantiles** --- # Measures of spread: Variance Answers the question, how far are observations from the mean, on average? In the population: `$$Var(X) = \mathrm{E}[(X-\mu)^2] = \sigma^2 = \int_{\mathrm S} (x-\mu)^2f(x)dx$$` In the sample: $$ s^2 = \frac{\sum_{i \in n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{n-1}$$ > Q: Why do we divide by `\(n-1\)`? > A: Lots of math to prove it (see [here](, but trust me, `\(s^2\)` will be a biased estimate of `\(\sigma^2\)` if you divide by `\(n\)`! #### Units of variance: units of the random variable, _squared_ --- # Measures of spread: Standard deviation Just the square root of the variance! In the population: `$$SD(X) = \sqrt{\mathrm{E}[(X-\mu)^2]} = \sigma = \sqrt{\int_{\mathrm S} (x-\mu)^2f(x)dx}$$` In the sample: $$ s = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i \in n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}$$ #### Units of standard deviation: units of the random variable --- # Some helpful rules $$\mathrm{E}[aX+b] = a\mathrm{E}[X] + b $$ $$\mathrm{E}[X+Y] = \mathrm{E}[X] + \mathrm{E}[Y] $$ `$$var(X) = \mathrm{E}[X^2] - (\mathrm{E}[X])^2$$` `$$var(aX+b) = a^2var(X)$$` --- # Variance, visually **Pink**: Low variance/standard deviation `\(\sigma = 1\)` **Green**: High variance/standard deviation `\(\sigma = 2\)` <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/lowvariance-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Variance, visually #### Back to the normal distributions - Changes in the _mean_ shift the distribution right to left - Changes in the _standard deviation_ stretch the distribution out (or shrink it in) <img src="normals.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Measures of spread: Quantiles ### Quantiles are cut points of a probability distribution In our sample, quantiles are cut points of our sample data #### How do we compute them? - We order our data from lowest to highest - For the `\(q\)`-quantile, we divide these ordered data into `\(q\)` equal sized subsamples - The value at the edge of the `\(k\)`th subsample is the `\(k\)`th `\(q\)`-quantile + This tells you the value below which `\(\frac{k}{q}\)` of the data lie -- > Question: How many `\(q\)`-quantiles are there for any given `\(q\)`? -- > Answer: There are `\(q-1\)` of the `\(q\)`-quantiles --- # Example: The normal distribution Common quantiles have names you have head of, such as _quartiles_ for `\(q=4\)`: <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="quantiles_normal.png" alt="Quartiles of the normal distribution" width="50%" /> <p class="caption">Quartiles of the normal distribution</p> </div> **Interpretation:** Q1 = first quartile, Q2 = second quartile, etc. The area below the red curve is the same below Q1 as it is between Q1 and Q2, between Q2 and Q3, and above Q3. --- # The Inter-quartile Range The **inter-quartile range** (often called the IQR) is the 3rd quartile minus the 1st quartile (i.e., the range of the "middle" 50% of the data) -- This is another measure of variability, like variance. Larger IQR = more variable data. -- Often used as the edges of the box in a boxplot (we will do this in Lab!): <img src="boxplot.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Common quantiles and interpretation ### Common quantiles have names you have heard of: - `\(q=2\)` **Median** tells us the value for which 50% of our sample sits _below_ (and 50% above) - `\(q=3\)` **Terciles**: tell us the values for which 33.33% (1st tercile) and 66.66% (2nd tercile) of our sample sits _below_ - `\(q=4\)` **Quartiles**: tell us the values for which 25% (1st quartile), 50% (2nd quartile), and 75% (3rd quartile) of our sample sits _below_ - `\(q=10\)` **Deciles**: tell us the values for which 10% (1st decile), ..., 50% (5th decile), ..., and 90% (9th decile) of our sample sits _below_ -- `\(q\)` The k_th_ `\(q\)`-quantile tells us the value for which `\(\frac{k}{q}\times 100\)`% of our sample sits _below_ --- # This sounds a lot like percentiles... ### Percentiles are simply quantiles for q=100! #### We hear about percentiles in daily life more often, and in practice people often use "percentiles" language for the more general term "quantiles". #### Examples of percentiles: - At 5'3", my height is the 40th percentile of the U.S. adult female height distribution `\(\rightarrow\)` 40% of American female adults are shorter than me - At 36 lbs, my son is the 90th percentile of U.S. male 3 year old weight distribution `\(\rightarrow\)` 90% of American male 3 year olds are lighter than my son > Exercise: Draw approximately where you think the 1st, 10th, 20th, 50th, 80th, 90th and 99th percentiles would be on a normal distribution. --- # Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) Plots ### **Histograms** plot the frequency of our data within bins - `geom_histogram()` with `ggplot2` in `R` ### **Q-Q plots** plot the quantiles of our data _against_ quantiles of some theoretical distribution - `geom_qq()` with `ggplot2` in `R` > This is helpful if we want to ask things like, are my data approximately normally distributed? #### Straight line on a Q-Q plot indicates sample and theoretical distributions match --- # Q-Q plot: Example ### Annual flow of the river Nile at Aswan, 1871-1970, in 10^8 m^3 .pull-left[ <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/nilehist-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/nileqq-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Q-Q plot: Example ### Monthly mean relative sunspot numbers, 1749-1983 .pull-left[ <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/sunspots-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="02-summstats_files/figure-html/sunspots2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] > We will continually return to the normal distribution. Always a good idea to check whether your data look normally distributed or not! --- # Which statistics are robust to outliers? - Consider a sample of loans from a bank, each with an associated interest rate `\(x\)`. + `\(\bar x = 11.57%\)` + `\(s=5.05%\)` - The highest value in the data is somewhat of an outlier, `\(x_{max} = 26.3%\)`. -- <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="loan_distribution.png" alt="Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6" width="80%" /> <p class="caption">Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6</p> </div> --- # Which statistics are robust to outliers? - Consider a sample of loans from a bank, each with an associated interest rate. + `\(\bar x = 11.57%\)` + `\(s=5.05%\)` - The highest value in the data is somewhat of an outlier, `\(x_{max} = 26.3%\)`. - How do summary statistics change if we modify this outlier? -- <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="robusttable.png" alt="Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6" width="80%" /> <p class="caption">Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6</p> </div> --- layout: false class: clear, middle, inverse # Law of large numbers --- # Big data #### You probably have intuition that a larger sample is better than a smaller one...but why? Suppose we have a **random** sample of some size `\(n\)`. How well does `\(\bar x\)` approximate `\(\mu\)`? ### Law of large numbers: $$\bar{x} \rightarrow \mu \hskip2mm \text{as} \hskip2mm n \rightarrow \infty $$ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="lln.png" alt="Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6" width="45%" /> <p class="caption">Source: IMS, Ch. 5.6</p> </div> --- # Next up ### Relationships between variables ### Intro to ordinary least squares ### Summarizing categorical and numerical data in `R` (Thursday lab) --- class: center, middle Slides created via the R package [**xaringan**]( Some slide components were borrowed from [Ed Rubin's]( awesome course materials. --- exclude: true