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The function staggregate_degree_days() aggregates climate data to the daily level, performs a degree days transformation on these daily values, and aggregates the transformed values to the polygon level and desired temporal scale


  time_agg = "month",
  start_date = NA,
  time_interval = "1 hour",



The raster brick with the data to be transformed and aggregated


A table of weights which can be generated using the function overlay_weights()


the temporal scale to aggregate data to. Options are 'day', 'month', or 'year'


the date (and time, if applicable) of the first layer in the raster. To be input in a format compatible with lubridate::as_datetime(), e.g. "1991-10-29" or "1991-10-29 00:00:00". The default is NA since the rasters usually already contain temporal information in the layer names and they do not need to be manually supplied.


the time interval between layers in the raster to be aggregated. To be input in a format compatible with seq(), e.g. '1 day' or '3 months'. The default is '1 hour' and this argument is required if the start_date argument is not NA.


A vector of temperature thresholds critical to a crop


degree_days_output <- staggregate_degree_days(
  data = temp_nj_jun_2024_era5 - 273.15, # Climate data to transform and
                                         # aggregate
  overlay_weights = overlay_weights_nj, # Output from overlay_weights()
  time_agg = "month", # Sum the transformed daily values across months
  start_date = "2024-06-01 00:00:00", # The start date of the supplied data,
                                      # only required if the layer name
                                      # format is not compatible with stagg
  time_interval = "1 hour", # The temporal interval of the supplied data,
                            # only required if the start_date is not NA
  thresholds = c(0, 10, 20) # Calculate degree days above 0, 10, and 20
                            # degrees Celsius
#> Rewriting the data's temporal metadata (layer names) to reflect a dataset starting on the supplied start date and with a temporal interval of 1 hour
#> Skipping pre-transformation aggregation to daily level
#> Executing degree days transformation
#> Aggregating by polygon and month

#>     year month poly_id threshold_ninf_to_0 threshold_0_to_10 threshold_10_to_20
#>    <num> <num>  <char>               <num>             <num>              <num>
#> 1:  2024     6     011                   0              7200           7057.782
#> 2:  2024     6     033                   0              7200           6994.112
#> 3:  2024     6     015                   0              7200           6929.559
#> 4:  2024     6     009                   0              7200           7135.649
#> 5:  2024     6     007                   0              7200           6935.083
#> 6:  2024     6     041                   0              7200           6480.811
#>    threshold_20_to_inf
#>                  <num>
#> 1:            3179.867
#> 2:            3414.202
#> 3:            3365.634
#> 4:            2146.668
#> 5:            3407.180
#> 6:            2724.483