All lecture slides, readings, and labs will be posted here each week. Assignments will be mentioned here, but all assignments will be posted, submitted, and graded through Github Classrooms.
Assignment: Assignment 1 posted 9/28; due 10/09, 5pm (note: usually will be Fridays, this deadline allows you more time to get set up on GitHub Classroom)
Discussion Section (Wednesday): EDS 222 Lab setup and Github Classrooms demo (taught by TA, Sandy Sum)
Lab (Thursday): Summarizing categorical and numerical data in R
Assignment: Assignment 1 due 10/09, 5pm
Discussion Section (Wednesday): Law of Large Numbers, simulation in R
Lab (Thursday): Correlations and ordinary least squares in R
Assignment: Assignment 1 due 10/09, 5pm. Assignment 2 posted 10/10 and due 10/20 at 5pm.
Discussion Section (Wednesday): Materials to be distributed in class
Lab (Thursday): OLS in R
, continued markdown, answers, answers in html.
Final project guidelines: link
Assignment: Assignment 2 due 10/20, 5pm
Slides 05: Multiple linear regression and interaction models html pdf
(note that we will cover the coding in Thursday’s lab and please ignore anything after the subsection titled “Obtaining standard errors for marginal effects”)Lab: Interaction models in R
markdown, answers, answers in html.
Assignment: Assignment 3 will posted 10/24, due 11/07 and graded pass/fail.
Extra exam study material:
Slides 06: Logistic regression and other nonlinear models html pdf
Lab: Logistic regressions in R
markdown, answers, answers in html
Assignment: Final project proposal due November 10, 5pm (email to Sandy at Final project guidelines here
Lab: Inference and hypothesis testing in R
markdown, answers, answers in html
Assignment: Assignment 4 (posted TBD, due TBD)
Reading: Chapters 2 and 3 in Hyndman & Athanasopoulos
Chapters 2, 3, Forecasting: Principles and Practice
Lab: None! Happy Thanksgiving
Assignment: Assignment 4: Hypothesis testing and time series analysis (due 12/08, 5pm)
Lab: Kriging in R
[likely postponed to Week 10]
Assignment: Assignment 4: Hypothesis testing and time series analysis (due 12/08, 5pm)
Lab (Tuesday 12/05): Kriging in R
data markdown, answers, answers in html.
Thursday 12/07: Guest lecture by Anna Boser, Bren PhD student. Stats in ecohydrology!
Assignment: Assignment 4: Hypothesis testing and time series analysis (due 12/08, 5pm)
Final projects next week! Presentations: 12/12 4-7pm, see schedule and upload materials here